New Series: You Pick Em!

Hey athletes! I will finally after a long time be giving you a new contest. But not any old contest you’re used to, this is an original coolguy174 contest, so I cant wait to share it. Here is the rules.

  1. I give you a few games from a sport such as NBA, or NFL. MLB will start up when MLB comes back. 
  2. You comment saying which team of those 2 will win the game.
  3. If you got one right, then you will get 200 tokens. If you got 2 of them right you get 400 tokens. And it goes on from that.
  4. The deadline will be an hour before the game starts, so get your picks in quick.
That’s about all the rules. So here will be our first few games.
NFL: Saturday, 1/14 8:00pm eastern: New England Patriots vs Denver Broncos. Saturday, 1/14 4:30pm eastern: New Orleans Saints vs San Francisco 49ers
NBA: Saturday, 1/14 10:30pm eastern: Los Angeles Lakers vs Los Angeles Clippers. Saturday, 1/14  8:00pm eastern: New York Knicks vs Oklahoma City Thunder
Ok athletes, that’s it for the first round of “You Pick Em!” I hope you like it. Well, see ya athletes, and have a fantastic Monday!
~Keep it cool~